
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Looking Ahead

I know that for many, including me, 2013 won't be much missed.  For me, the year started out with an unsuccessful job search, but the distinct likelihood of a move due to my husband's quick and successful job search.  The question was quickly becoming not whether we'd move from the most stable and loved family home we'd had in our 20-year marriage, but whether that move would take us to Indy (preferred) or "the middle of nowhere Ohio" (as we fondly refer to New Bremen, Ohio).

It was, in a word, hard.  In the span of two weeks in early/mid-April, my son had surgery, we moved out of our home of seven years, and I started a new job (remotely).  All of this while Darrell was already living in Indiana.  But as hard as it all was, every step of the process fell right into place, like a puzzle that had already been planned in advance for us.  It was emotionally difficult, but it all just worked out.  I choose to believe that had to be God's doing, because it certainly was not something we could have accomplished on our own.

I'd love to tell you that we've found replacements for everything that so filled our hearts in Lexington, but that wouldn't be true either.  We've made friends with a family that we quickly bonded with here that I think will last forever.  We've begun making other new friends, including a dear lady I work with and workout with (just really met the rest of her family recently).  We've learned ways to cling to friends in Lexington, like meeting halfway to get my kids and their friends to each other for some weekends, and some of our friends who have already visited us here.  I don't plan on ever letting go of those dear friendships, but those who know me well, know I'm also not the best "phone/long-distance" friend, and for that I can only apologize.

We have found fun things to do.  If anything, we like our new house better, which I didn't think was possible as we considered the move.  We've increased our income significantly with me in a salaried job again, while reducing our long-term expenses and debt by buying a less expensive house (thank you, affordable Indy suburb housing market!).

And I know that what we went through in 2013 was really so much easier than other difficulties some have had.  I have a friend who went through a divorce after a long marriage, an aunt who made it through a liver transplant, other friends who lost dear family members, found out they (or a love one) had cancer, lost a job, and so many other worse things than we experienced in 2013.  For all of you, I pray that 2014 is a much better year!

So, with all that, it's time for us to look forward to 2014.  I don't really make New Year's resolutions.  I have goals, I just don't tend to wait for a new year to start them.  But, there are certainly things I look forward to with 2014, and feel happy to leave behind in 2013.  My hopes and plans for 2014 include:

  • Stability in where we live and in jobs.  We have no plans to move for 9 years (long enough to get our son through high school graduation) and pray that both of our jobs are stable for 2014.
  • I want to read more in 2014.  That is one of the things that definitely gave way with the hectic year that was 2013.  I realized just today that at least half of the books that I "read" in 2013 were audiobooks.  While not all bad, I want that ratio to be different for 2014, and I want to add in more non-fiction.
  • I want to lead and show more love to my children.  I couldn't love them more than I do, but I can better show them my love.  And we have only two and a half years left with our daughter at home full-time to lead and instruct her, and to show her just how much she is loved.  I'm not completely sure how this all looks.  I think it was started for us in 2013 with choosing a church based more on her needs, and with our weekly family Bible studies, but I know that we can do better.
  • I want to repriortize on healthy eating for the whole family.  I try to set a good example with what Darrell calls my "nuts and berries" eating, but I need to try even harder to find ways to get us all to eat better.
  • I want to run at least one half marathon in 2014.  I went all of 2013 without one, which I think was a first for me since 2009.  I don't plan to let that happen again, at least not unless and until a future health problem prevents me from running at all.
  • Darrell and I have decided to tithe in 2014.  It's been a while since we committed 10% of our incomes to giving.  I know that I should trust that it will work out.  Even recently, I've seen the way God takes care of us (giant healthcare increase more than covered by an unexpected raise), but why does it always still scare me?
There, that's it.  Six things to focus on for 2014.  No problem, right?  What are your goals for 2014?  Did you have a rough year in 2013 like we did?

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