
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Everyone should be invincible!

Everyone should have one thing about them that makes them feel invincible.  A super power, so to speak.

Let's call Darrell's super power fixability.  He can seriously fix anything mechanical, and often times things electrical, plumbing-related, etc., too.  He's the kid who took radios apart just for fun, and to figure out how they worked.  He's the kid who built a submarine that really worked, from scratch.  He's the man who has built and fixed more things around our seven houses than I can count.  He's the man who to this day may rescue something from your trash, like a vacuum cleaner or lawn mower, that you were sure was broken beyond repair and have it running within a few hours.  It's really pretty amazing to see him in action.

My super power is running.  It isn't all that amazing at first glance.  Just about anyone can do it.  But, can you run 5 miles through this:

Have you run 26.2 miles past this:

after fulfilling your lifelong dream to run a marathon the year before?

When I run, I feel things that I don't feel any other time.  I (sometimes) feel like I could just keep going forever.  I (sometimes) feel a deeper connection to God and nature that I don't get in any other way.  I don't like my treadmill.  I will run a few miles on it when absolutely necessary.  But, no matter what I've tried on my treadmill (watching TV, reading, trying to go through problems or plans in my head), I just don't get the feelings I experience when running outside.  And that, my friends, is why my next move will most certainly be to a warmer climate!

I think everyone has at least something that sets them apart.  Something you can tell others you do that makes you feel proud, that you do well.  Something that just makes you feel strong.  What is your super power?  I'd love it if you would share it with me via this Google form.  Please just click on the link and share your super power with me!  And then I'll aggregate the responses and share in an upcoming post!  Thank you.

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