
Thursday, May 30, 2013

What I've Learned

I've learned (or in some cases realized) some things about myself this week.  They are:
  • I realized that I'm a tough parent.  I expect a lot.  The things I stress most are honesty and hard work.  Darrell is a tough parent, too, but in different ways than I am.  This realization just hit me this week for some reason.  I was thinking about the personality tests I'd taken and how they really taught me things about myself after all, but then I connected some hypothetical dots and realized that if I'd be a tough manager, I would also be considered a tough parent, because really, I am the day to day manager of my kids' lives.  And in trying to imagine it from my kids' points of view, I think they would agree with me on this.  I expect a lot from them.  I don't think that's all bad, but it is true.
  • I realized that I might be halfway decent at moderating focus groups.  See, that's a part of market research I've always tried to avoid.  I just assumed it would make me really nervous.  I used to have a huge fear of talking in front of groups of people.  I mostly overcame that by giving a lot of presentations at one of my past jobs.  I guess that cured me for focus groups, too, because I did one this week, and it wasn't bad.  My voice didn't even seem to start getting shaky, not even once.  If you do or have ever feared public speaking, you probably understand that this was a big revelation for me.  I don't ever plan to moderate focus groups full-time, but it's nice to know that it's not a skill I'm totally lacking.
  • I learned another new thing that always seemed "techy" but unnecessary to me - I learned to set up and use multiple monitors at work.  This always seemed silly to me, but everyone around me at work seemed to be using more than one monitor, so I gave it a try.  It's not half bad, and I think it will keep me from printing even more.  Now I can look at the guide/questionnaire/notes on one screen while I write a report on another.
  • I learned that if I want to make a healthy dinner each evening while working full-time and commuting 50 minutes each way three to four times per week, I'm going to have to either use my crock pot most of the time or prepare lots of stuff on weekends.  So far, I'm choosing my crock pot.  So if you have any great crock pot recipes, please send them my way.
  • I learned I'm still not good at just getting out there and introducing myself.  I miss my friends, but no way am I brave enough to just start knocking at neighbors' doors to introduce myself!  Sometimes I wish I were.
  • I realized about how right I was that Darrell not being with us for over three months was a huge gap in our lives.  I love just knowing that he is nearby.  Our son has been by his side every evening.  Leaving our friends is a huge loss, but I know this was meant to be and that as long as the four of us are together, we are good.
  • I realized that I was right about missing work.  My ideal job would be only two or three days a week so I could spend more time with my kids and keep our lives running smoothly, but those jobs just aren't readily available, especially in my field.  I've enjoyed going into the office this week and being around nice, smart people.  And I also enjoyed my one day working from home and that it allowed me to sleep in just a little, run during my lunch hour (and with my son riding his bike), and throw in two loads of laundry during breaks.
All in all, I'd say it's been a good week.  And it's not even Friday yet!  I hope you've had a great week, too.

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