
Friday, August 3, 2012

So you want to know what I believe...

I don't remember living through a more politically-charged time, so if you want to know my beliefs, here goes a brief summary.  For more details, I'd be happy to sit down and have a polite, non-name calling, in-person discussion with anyone.

I'm a Christian.  I don't often say it.  I'm busy trying to live it.  And I don't always succeed.
I believe in the right to bear arms, but not automatic and semi-automatic weapons or explosives.  I also optimistically believe that we’d stand up for each other if the need arose, not point intruders towards our unarmed neighbors the way I’ve seen Facebook pictures imply.

I believe in a global economy.  I also believe in supporting US products and jobs.  And yes, somehow I think we’ll find a balance between the two that will work.  At least I hope so.
I like that we helped the auto industry.  I wish we’d let more banks fail.  It didn’t take an advanced economics degree to see years ago that the loans being handed out were not going to work.

I didn’t go to that now infamous chicken restaurant on Wednesday.  I didn’t feel like that was a statement I needed to make.  I also don’t plan to boycott them.  I’m still not sure they crossed a line for me personally, and even if they did, I’m not naïve enough to think that I agree with the beliefs and actions of every place that gets my money.  Actually, I’m quite sure that I don’t.
I believe the Bible defined marriage.  I also know that God allowed some marriages that should make any of us cringe a lot more than LBGT marriage should.  I think we all deserve equal rights, but I personally don’t think the government should be deciding marriage for us anyway.  I could fully support government-sanctioned civil unions, and yes, that means I’d be willing to get one myself for my 20-year marriage.

I don’t believe that Obama has single-handedly destroyed our country.  I think it’s been a lot more gradual than that.  I don’t think his opinions have “evolved”; I think he’s just being political.  I think his healthcare reform is far from perfect, but it amazes me that Mitt Romney criticizes it so much when Romney’s plan for Massachusetts was used as the basis for Obamacare.  I think Romney should release his tax records, all of them that are requested.  All the waffling Romney has done scares me.  I don’t think either his wife or Michelle Obama should be criticized for how much their clothing or choice of activities cost.  I think both sides just look for things to support what they want to believe.  I think we all do that, and yes, that includes me.  I don’t want to vote for either of them.  I wish our system gave us more choices.  I wish we had better choices.  But that doesn’t mean I won’t vote.  Not voting means giving up, and I won’t do that.
I think congress is a mess.  Maybe we could all vote on their benefits for a while?  Maybe they could take some classes on writing 101 so that bills aren’t so long that no normal person would ever read them (including several of them)?  Maybe they could stand up for what their constituents believe in for a while rather than relying on lobbyists and their political party to tell them how to think?

I think CEO’s and corporate board members generally think too much of themselves.  They are normal people, just like you and me.  They aren’t even any better educated than many of us.  I respect the ones who created their companies a lot more, but most of them did not.  Why do we allow them to be paid so much?  Why aren’t their pay and benefits based on the long-term success of the company rather than the current year or even quarter?
And, yes, if I see you being bullied or treated unfairly, I will take up for you.  But I also think you should know something that we all have to learn at some point - life is not fair.

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